jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Coffee Zone / Eje Cafetero

General Information

Unlike with many other countries here in Colombia divide a group cities in what we call "departamentos" this term can be traslate as DEPARTMENT or APARTMENT but when we refer to a group of cities say DEPARTMENT OR APARMENT is no correct. 
So if I say "DEPARTAMENTE" remember that I am talking about a group of cities.

The coffee zone or better know as El eje cafetero, la zona cafetera, or el triangulo del café consists of three departamentos (Caldas, Risaralda and Quindio) and the northern part of the departamento of Valle del Cauca, which principal cities are Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. These three departments are the principal producers of COFFEE of the country although many of these coffee plantation houses and "FINCAS" now get the majority of their income from tourism rather than coffee.

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